Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Response for "Cue for Treason" Ch 1&2

In the first chapter you get introduced to Peter, who I would call the protagonist. Also you meet Sir Phillip, who I would believe to be the antagonist. The conflict in this chapter is that Sir Phillip builds a wall in which he claims to have been passed to him by his grandfather. The farmers/villagers get angry by this because they all believe it is thier land he is building a wall in. So during the night the village men go to tear down the wall with Peter. Later peter is put on watch duty and when he sees' Sir Phillip and his men coming he throws a rock at them missing all but causing confusion. I agree with Jeff, I don't believe the throwing or potential damage of the rock made Sir Phillip angry. It was the fact that his authority was being challenged/questioned. In chapter 2 Peter is plannig his escape from what he is expecting is Sir Phillips wrath. I don't think it would be smart to face Sir. Phillip because he doesn't seem like a resonable person.


  1. Thank you for agreeing with me, you have very nice reasoning for your thinking. The thing you can improve on is having less summary of the story since this is a response.

  2. very construvtive commenting Jeff,well done.

  3. Good job on the answers, however I have to agree on Jeff to include a much SHORTER summary.
